Her kidneys and liver have failed. I started to distrust my organs,
suspect them. Every time I walk past an open window and the wind stabs me
in the kidneys, I get scared. I even know what they'll look like when they
fail. I opened Wikihow again and typed in How to become immortal. Wiki how:

1. Cryonics
Freezing your body just after death in the hope that someone will thaw you out and bring you back to life in the future. The cost of preparing a body and placing it in liquid nitrogen can be up to $100,000, or 2,202,110 czech crowns at today's exchange rate. Neuropreservation (just preserving the head and brain) will cost about 80 000 dollars - 1761688 czech crowns at today's exchange rate.

Vampires are immune to natural death, physical aging, disease, and most illnesses.
The only disease that can weaken or even kill a vampire is werewolf venom, which infects a wound and spreads further through the bloodstream. The vampire begins to hallucinate, delirious and coughing up clumps of blood. Eventually, the vampire dies angry and paranoid.

3. Cloning
Create a genetically identical individual

4. Move your mind and soul into another body.
When the new body begins to die it is necessary to move again to another and so on.

Disadvantages of moving to a new body:
Transferring to a new body can take a long time.
The user can become an immortal killer
The user may be weaker in the cloned body because they don't know it as well.
The user may lose chunks of their soul when repeatedly transferring or waiting too long for a body.
Destruction of the soul can kill the user.
The new body may be unstable.
The user may only have a limited number of clone bodies.

Transferring the soul into the body of an immortal vampire is convenient, but difficult to implement.


6. "Philosopher's Stone"
A substance that can transform base metals such as iron, tin, lead, zinc, nickel, or copper into precious metals such as gold and silver. It also acts as an elixir of life that has the power to cure disease, restore the qualities of youth, and even bestow immortality on those who possess it.

7. Nanorobots
In 30 or 40 years, microscopic machines will be traveling in our bodies, repairing damaged cells and organs and effectively eradicating all ailments. They will give our bodies the possibility of endless regeneration. Nanotechnology will also be used to back up our memories and personalities. Backups are prospectively recommended for use in soul transfer and cloning as well.

8. Build a giant solar sail to pull the Earth away from the Sun. However, such a sail would have to be 20 times the diameter of the Earth. It could help keep the Earth in a habitable zone until the Sun becomes a red dwarf.

9. Acquire the ability of physical regeneration, which is inherent in lizards for example, and cultivate it into a timeless mechanism. In addition to their tails, lizards can regenerate certain organs, such as the heart.

Regeneration: the ability of a cell, tissue, or organ to almost perfectly replace what has been lost, restoring structure and function.

Scar: The inability of a cell, tissue, or organ to replace lost function.

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